When GradeSlam rebranded to Paper Education, it was imperative to help the new brand’s visibility on social. We also needed to take this rebranding opportunity to change the style of content shared on social channels.


  • Create more visual content on social channels.

  • Increase engagement.

  • Create and stick to a regular content calendar.

Working in tandem with the in-house graphic designer, I adapted the press release I drafted for a social post celebrating an incredible milestone.  

Working in conjunction with the Creative Director and a freelance illustrator, wrote these rhymes and post copy for special Paper and education-themed Valentine’s Day card.

Working with the Creative Director and with little time to complete the asset, concepted and animated this short, simple motion graphic to thank Paper users for an amazing year. Also wrote the supporting post copy.

Working with a freelance illustrator, I developed, wrote, and workshopped social comic strips at the behest of the CMO. Simple, shareable stories designed to attract and delight parents and students to the brand. Comic storylines and post copy written by me. Art by the immensely talented Konstantin Kahl.